web scraping
Web scraping (or data scraping) is a technique used to collect content and data from the internet. This data is usually saved in a local file so that it can be manipulated and analyzed as needed. If you’ve ever copied and pasted content from a website into an Excel spreadsheet, this is essentially what web scraping is, but on a very small scale.
However, when people refer to ‘web scrapers,’ they’re usually talking about software applications. Web scraping applications are programmed to visit websites, grab the relevant pages and extract useful information. By automating this process, these bots can extract huge amounts of data in a very short time.
How does a web scraper function?
So, we now know what web scraping is, and why different organizations use it. But how does a web scraper work? While the exact method differs depending on the software or tools you’re using, all web scraping bots follow three basic principles:
- Step 1: Making an HTTP request to a server
- Step 2: Extracting and parsing (or breaking down) the website’s code
- Step 3: Saving the relevant data locally
Now let’s take a look at each of these in a little more detail.
Step 1: Making an HTTP request to a server
As an individual, when you visit a website via your browser, you send what’s called an HTTP request. This is basically the digital equivalent of knocking on the door, asking to come in. Once your request is approved, you can then access that site and all the information on it. Just like a person, a web scraper needs permission to access a site. Therefore, the first thing a web scraper does is send an HTTP request to the site they’re targeting.
Step 2: Extracting and parsing the website’s code
Once a website gives a scraper access, the bot can read and extract the site’s HTML or XML code. This code determines the website’s content structure. The scraper will then parse the code (which basically means breaking it down into its constituent parts) so that it can identify and extract elements or objects that have been predefined by whoever set the bot loose! These might include specific text, ratings, classes, tags, IDs, or other information.
Step 3: Saving the relevant data locally
Once the HTML or XML has been accessed, scraped, and parsed, the web scraper will then store the relevant data locally. As mentioned, the data extracted is predefined by you (having told the bot what you want it to collect). Data is usually stored as structured data, often in an Excel file, such as a .csv or .xls format.
With these steps complete, you’re ready to start using the data for your intended purposes. Easy, eh? And it’s true…these three steps do make data scraping seem easy. In reality, though, the process isn’t carried out just once, but countless times. This comes with its own swathe of problems that need solving. For instance, badly coded scrapers may send too many HTTP requests, which can crash a site. Every website also has different rules for what bots can and can’t do. Executing web scraping code is just one part of a more involved process. Let’s look at that now.
How to scrape the web
First, the web scraper will be given one or more URLs to load before scraping. The scraper then loads the entire HTML code for the page in question. More advanced scrapers will render the entire website, including CSS and Javascript elements.
Then the scraper will either extract all the data on the page or specific data selected by the user before the project is run.
Ideally, the user will go through the process of selecting the specific data they want from the page. For example, you might want to scrape an Amazon product page for prices and models but are not necessarily interested in product reviews.
Lastly, the web scraper will output all the data that has been collected into a format that is more useful to the user.
Most web scrapers will output data to a First, the web scraper will be given one or more URLs to load before scraping. The scraper then loads the entire HTML code for the page in question. More advanced scrapers will render the entire website, including CSS and Javascript elements.
Then the scraper will either extract all the data on the page or specific data selected by the user before the project is run.
Ideally, the user will go through the process of selecting the specific data they want from the page. For example, you might want to scrape an Amazon product page for prices and models but are not necessarily interested in product reviews.
Lastly, the web scraper will output all the data that has been collected into a format that is more useful to the user.
Most web scrapers will output data to a CSV or Excel spreadsheet, while more advanced scrapers will support other formats such as JSON which can be used for an API. or Excel spreadsheet, while more advanced scrapers will support other formats such as JSON which can be used for an API.